Use "shove|shoves" in a sentence

1. The Lannister, outraged, shoves the cup aside and demands another.

2. Shove your suitcase under the bed.

3. The malady is marked by nasty kicks, retaliatory shoves, hard words and worse.

4. Help me shove this furniture aside.

5. Encouraging me when I need a shove.

6. Give the door a good shove.

7. Don't shove that thing in my face.

8. I could shove her up your ass.

9. You don't need a free hand to shove

10. She sent him off with a little shove.

11. Remote controlled Cabooses, shove platforms, crummies, bay

12. Do it, or I'll shove it down your throat.

13. Would you help me give the piano a shove?

14. Okay, shove off, give me my wife back.

15. And your debts you shove off on your wife.

16. Late 360 shove-it to boneless'd An impressive skateboarding trick involving lateness, 360ness, shove-itness, and Bonelessness. Obviously, the Bonelessness part makes this extremely difficult.

17. Just wait your turn - there's no need to shove.

18. Or maybe I'll just shove this down your throat.

19. Boost definition is - to push or shove up from below

20. Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan.

21. Shove up mate, there's no room to sit down here.

22. They can't just shove motorways anywhere they like, you know.

23. We can get one more in if you shove up.

24. Would a big eighth-grader shove me into a locker?

25. Harry gave him a hefty shove and he fell over.

26. We turn the cunt loose and shove Marlowe into bed.

27. Take this piece of paper and shove it up your ass.

28. 16 Then suddenly , Old Grizzly gave Brown Bear a big shove.

29. She stopped and some one gave her a little shove onward.

30. Shove ahead out there and don't stick to that everlasting trench warfare!

31. If push comes to shove, we can always sell the car.

32. But she did give him a hefty shove and he nearly fell.

33. I'll just shove this laundry in the washer before we go out.

34. If push comes to shove, you can always sell the car.

35. Shove over/along, Lena( ), and make some room for me.

36. You have to give the door a good shove, or it won't close.

37. Fine, but I'm going to shove that magic shrimp fork down Orm's throat.

38. Taipei Main Station is always crowded and people sometimes push and shove.

39. 27 When push comes to shove, however, most voters shy from outsider chic.

40. Will you stuff the turkey and shove it in the oven for me?

41. We shove it up and make air holes as we go along.

42. They can take their three cents an hour raise and shove it .

43. Hurtle blaize shove repel propel poke kick jerk bunt urge protrude move impel Blowess

44. When the riot had subsided I received affectionate hugs powerful enough to knacker horses and friendly shoves that toppled me over.

45. The only animals in the world that shove things up their ass for survival.

46. [ Jefferies'Voice ] because you want to shove your rotten cock up her juicy ass.

47. 14 Pull on your shorts, button up your silk blouse, shove on a sundress – whatever.

48. You wanna get even with someone, go shove some more garbage down Ambrose's throat.

49. As they shove their way out of the congested gates, what a sight greets them!

50. Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.

51. Well then he struts, stands on tiptoes, bustles, and Bestirs his stumps, shoves and makes way, and with much ado clambers up a …

52. Synonyms for Barged include elbowed, pushed, shoved, shave, shove, shoven, forced, bludgeoned, bulldozed and jostled

53. Put it in a canister and shove it up the tube with the same number.

54. 19 Don't let them shove you around. You've got to stand up for your rights.

55. Others have been known to quickly shove a small nug into the bowl end of the Chillum …

56. Shaw's lawyer will shove harassment, destruction of property and civil rights charges right down our throats!

57. Sure, the Soviet Union wanted to shove pins into its rival from as close up as possible.

58. The notary gave Broussac a vigorous shove which sent my companion sprawling into the open sewer.

59. The Son of Neptune Instead, I shove my anger down, Burying it deep, letting it temper my soul.

60. Shove his face into his own shit, they were learning, and he will devour it, smacking his lips.

61. Some days he ate three square meals; sometimes he barely stopped to shove a doughnut into his mouth.

62. You charged that stripper with a pen like you were going to shove it in her ass.

63. When I told him he'd have to work harder, he said I could take the job and shove it.

64. They prod us with their guns, they curse us, they shove anyone they think is in the wrong place.

65. You've got to climb up to the roof and shove this through the brackets on the access door.

66. It's -- I had to make little holes in the base of the needle, to shove his feet in.

67. You wear it if it makes you feel better, but if push comes to shove, it's not going to help.

68. 11 A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat, but the steel buckled against his adam's apple superconductor.

69. 17 A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat, but the steel buckled against his adam's apple superconductor.

70. If push came to shove, I was wondering how soon you might be able to take over the lab yourself.

71. Baccalaureate is a centuries-old graduation tradition that is held in Shove Chapel at Colorado College during Commencement Weekend

72. Rekindled and re-leased with a shove, the chandelier began to swing again, describing a larger arc this time.

73. I shove aside a pile of dehydrated red and black typewriter ribbons and set my machine down with a clunk.

74. 12 Shove his face into his own shit, they were learning, and he will devour it, smacking his lips.

75. She wanted me to tell you it was fun while it lasted but when push came to shove she shoved off.

76. She stood her ground and got an almighty shove from Vassily, who smiled at me apologetically as he delivered the blow.

77. Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log, leaving him clinging on comically.

78. For one terrifying moment she thought he was going to subdue her again but she threw him off with a shove.

79. 17 A soldier tried to shove a bayonet into his throat,( but the steel buckled against his adam's apple superconductor.

80. Knock, push, bang, rap, slap, bump, smack, shove, thump, cuff, jolt, wallop (informal), box Their plane had been severely Buffeted by storms